Back Pain

Anyone suffering from ongoing back pain understands just how much the pain can limit your daily activities. Simple movements like standing, sitting, and walking can become too painful to tolerate. Aside from invasive surgery and possibly dangerous prescription medications, many patients find limited treatment options for back pain. Fortunately, our team at Arc of Life Chiropractic in Ottawa offers holistic care and non-invasive treatment options.


What Causes Back Pain?

Back pain can come from a condition, disease, or injury. Usually, an injury causes acute pain that can be directly related to a measurable incident or accident. Back pain can be connected to a soft tissue injury, such as a sprain or a strain, or damage to the skeletal system, as is the case with a fracture. Sometimes back pain, specifically lower back pain, can be a result of poor posture. Standing and sitting incorrectly for hours on end can lead to nagging aches and pains. Furthermore, back pain can be associated with a disease or a condition. Arthritis, sciatica, spinal stenosis, and osteoporosis have all been known to cause upper and lower back pain.

Back Pain Symptoms

The pain associated with a back injury or condition can vary from a dull ache to a sharp and stabbing pain. Patients will often notice their range of motion is limited, and the injury site may feel sore and stiff. Sometimes back pain is associated with numbness and tingling in the back, neck, or extremities. This numbing sensation is often the case with disc injuries and conditions. People will feel clumsy or will report that they are tripping more frequently.

How a Chiropractor Treats Back Pain

Our chiropractors offer safe, non-invasive, and holistic care to treat back pain. Chiropractors believe in finding balance and harmony in the body to relieve back pain. Restoring balance often involves several chiropractic techniques. Our chiropractors may use manual adjustment, heat therapy, massage therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises. No two patients are alike, so every treatment plan is customized to meet your individual needs and health goals.

Back Pain Relief in Ottawa, ON

If you are suffering from back pain, our team at Arc of Life Chiropractic can help. We offer safe holistic care that does not rely on surgery or medication. Call our office today at (613) 722-1003 to schedule a consultation with one of our chiropractors.

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