How You Can Sustain Your New Year Goals Longer

Ottawa Chiropractor Health and Wellness Blog

Well... we’re almost at the end of January already and we want to know how the new year resolutions are going so far? What is it about finishing a turn around the sun that inspires us to start anew? New beginnings are exciting and hopeful turns of the page. Here at Arc of Life we want to help you find the goals and resolutions that are both aligned with your values and are attainable!

Do you really want it?

               First things first, find out what you truly want. It may seem obvious, but so many of us jump into lofty goals without thinking about WHY. Do you really want to go skydiving or is that just because others say it's awesome? It’s important to pursue goals that mean something deeper to you. Of course, we can do things for the fun of it, but adding a purpose behind the goal will not only be more fulfilling, it will sustain your actions longer! Getting real with yourself upfront and it will pay off in the long run.



               Hey, you’ve come far. It’s healthy to congratulate and recognize your triumphs from the past. Especially during these last couple of trying years, you should look back on some of the wins. Assess the ways you handled yourself in challenging situations, did I step up, shy away or really rock a curveball? Maybe you learned something new about yourself. It may be a simple as you’ve learned to live more in the now and truly practice self-care and being kind to yourself. What would you say to a great friend if they were you? We encourage even asking a few friends and family to write your unique qualities and you can do the same for them!



               As we are learning, sustainability is key in this world. Just as it applies to our environment, it applies to our lives as well. Although it’s a great idea to get in shape, change your diet, talk with friends more, go out more, exercise more again and learn 10 new recipes, its just too much! It’s tempting to do all or nothing, but these plans likely fail and leave us feeling defeated. We’re just humans, not goal acquiring machines. So, ease into change, your mental and physical health will thank you. Find out what your most valued goal is and how you can step closer to it each day, even if it’s a baby step. If you’re not enjoying the process in something, adapt! Say you want to exercise more, so you started going to these gym classes, but it turns out you loathe going. Try something different! Find a gym or activity you love so you’ll keep showing up for yourself.



               It’s important to be realistic with ourselves. You want to have an honest look at your resources; time, money, support, remembering your key values and goals and see what can be done. Putting unachievable expectations on ourselves can be daunting and lead to burnout. Expecting to save 15,000 when you’re projected to make 45,000 might be too tight. Wanting to lose 30lbs over 3 months may encourage unhealthy habits and actions, and result in a bigger rebound than before.



               The final tip we have to make more heart-centered goals is to give yourself a realistic timeline. Time is an asset we are always spending, so you want to spend it well! Take your long-term goals and chunk them down to the equivalent in the months. This way you can always check-in with progress and adapt if needed. Don’t always wait for the next turn of the year, Monday, or the next month to start living the life you’ve always wanted. By dedicating yourself to new positive lifestyle choices, you’ll slowly but surely come to live the life you’ve always wanted.

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