What You Didn't Know About Stress

Ottawa Chiropractor Health and Wellness Blog

What is stress?

We are all handling crazy amounts of stress these days. Stress from important trips falling out last minute and constantly missing out on being with family and friends. The sense of disconnection and uncertainty has definitely taken a toll. Stress can be thought of in many ways, but essentially it is anything that impedes our body, mind or spirit from functioning as well as it could.

What do you think of when you think of stress? First that comes to mind might be the intense physical response; stomach gets queasy, hands get shaky, voice unsteady, palms sweaty, light headed. Overall, an unpleasant experience. We think it's important to talk about what stress is and how it shows up in ways that aren’t always as obvious as the physical feeling.

Stress comes in many forms

One might only think of being stressed as being mentally overwhelmed. But there are environmental factors that contribute to this overwhelm. Stress can come in the form of chemical, emotional, and physical. Chemical stress can be a glass of wine or cheap cleaning supplies. Emotional stress can be from a fight with a friend or getting a big scare from this month’s heating bill! Physical stress can be from a significant event like a car accident or repeated small events like looking down at your phone all day. So, stresses are everywhere and influence us in varied ways.  What’s important to know is that our nervous system is designed to handle these stresses in life. Problems arise when the conditions are too stressful and the body will have to make maladaptations in order to keep functioning.

Accumulation effect

Stresses are a constant part of life, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always be detrimental. There are beneficial stresses that help our body adapt and thrive, activities like exercise and studying. Although challenging, this can uplift your nervous system’s overall function. Then there are also negative stresses, like alcohol and sitting too long. Stresses can accumulate on your body and if they are not dealt with, or positively released and can potentially lead to symptoms, or collateral damage. Collateral damage is the maladaptation your nervous system makes in response to an overload of stress. This damage can go for years without being noticed. Many of us don’t remember all the bumps and falls we had as kids, but our bodies do! That’s why pain can be mistaken as “aging” even though your body has been working tirelessly against stress your whole life, pain-free. Think of this effect like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Although it didn't seem like much, a seemingly small stress can greatly influence a weakened system. We strongly encourage preventative measures to assist your nervous system to work more efficiently even in the face of stress.

What to do about it

So, now that we understand that stress comes in many forms and it is more than just what we feel, what do we do about it? There are many things we can do in our daily lives to support a healthy nervous system. Connection is at the core of the beneficial things you can do. Things like talking with friends, joining a class you’ve always wanted to try, walking, meditating, stretching, eating consciously and journaling. We encourage uplifting, connecting activities to improve overall wellness. Chiropractic is an amazing tool for better connection. Through specific and gentle adjustments into the spine, your brain becomes more aware of the body and allows for better nerve system function. Your friendly neighbourhood chiropractor can diligently assess and locate the areas of maladapations to stress in your spine. With this vital brain-body connection in check, you will be better equipped to handle adversity in your life.

Let us know what you think about stress and how it affects your ability to thrive.

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