Top 5 Most Common Symptoms of Herniated Discs

Ottawa Chiropractor Health and Wellness Blog

disc herniation

Your spine contains discs, which are shock absorbers for your spine. These discs are located between the vertebrae in your neck, mid-back, and lower back, and all three regions allow your spine to have mobility. Each spinal disc has a cartilage ring that surrounds an inner jelly. If this inner jelly begins to squeeze out of place, often following an injury or due to age, it is known as a herniated disc, which can cause pain and discomfort in your back and neck and the sciatica nerve. Here are the most common symptoms of a herniated disc to alert you that you may need to schedule an appointment for chiropractic care in Ottawa, ON.

Common Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

It is natural for the symptoms of a herniated disc to come and go. However, it is common for the signs, especially the pain, to worsen while you are active and subside while resting. It’s also important to note that your symptoms may worsen when you cough, sneeze or sit, especially sitting for long periods. Therefore, if you are experiencing symptoms, you must schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.

  • Numbness and pain, generally localized to one side of your body
  • Severe pain and discomfort that prevents you from walking
  • Aching, tingling, and a burning sensation in your lower back
  • Extreme muscle weakness
  • Sciatica, pressure applied to the sciatic nerve

Difference in Injury

The symptoms of a herniated disc may vary from one person to the next, and the pain you experience can vary depending on the size and location of the herniated disc. If the herniated disc is pressing on a nerve, you may experience weakness, numbness, or pain in the area where the nerve travels. However, if the nerve is not pressing on a nerve, you may experience only a mild backache or perhaps no pain at all.

Schedule an Appointment with Us

To learn more about chiropractic care for sciatica or a herniated disc, contact our chiropractor at Arc of Life Chiropractic Natural Health Group to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Call our office today at (613) 722-1003 to schedule an appointment.

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