Ottawa Chiropractor Health and Wellness Blog

Ottawa Chiropractor Health and Wellness Blog

Viewing 33 - 48 out of 58 posts


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Explore Ottawa Hidden Treasures

Get outside and enjoy some of Ottawa's finest natural areas. Read More

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Scientific research shows the benefits of chiropractic care for improving health and living a better, longer life. Read More

Instant Results in Healthcare

Healing and real change takes time. Give your body the time and care it needs to live a healthier life. Read More

Top 5 Stretches to Ease Your Pregnancy

Ottawa prenatal chiropractor Dr Pauline So shows the best stretches to help you throughout your pregnancy. Read More

5 Signs Stress is Affecting Your Health

5 signs that suggest you are 'over-stressed,' and what to do about it. Read More

Beat Holiday Stress

Top 5 tips to keep holiday stress low and enjoy the festivities more. Read More

Chiropractic Breech Pregnancy

Dr Pauline So, Ottawa chiropractor, discusses Breech pregnancy and shows exercises to help. Read More

Sleep and Bedtime Routine

Using tech before bedtime may disrupt your sleep cycle. Are you guilty of this bad habit? Read More

How Negativity is Like Seeing a Shark, And What You Can Do About It

Negativity is Like Seeing a Shark Imagine you came across a Shark in the ocean. Your immediate fear response would take over all rational thinking, and you would swim away as Read More

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and Migraines are common but not normal Headaches and migraines can be a common occurrence for some people but there are options for help. In this article we will discuss Read More

Tips for Healthy Workplace: Sitting on the Job

Sitting may be as harmful as smoking to your health, here's how you can improve your workplace to avoid the detrimental effects of sitting. Read More

Ottawa Chiropractor Dr. Brent Waddell

Get to know Dr. Brent Waddell and his motivation to stay healthy every day. Read More

Staying Healthy For The School Year

Keep yourself and your family healthy this school year by implementing these simple tips. Read More

What is Ketogenic Diet And How Do I Get It?

Are fats bad for me? The ketogenic diet is based on 30+ years of science and has proven beneficial to overall health. Read More

Registered Massage Therapist Donna Bactol

Meet RMT Donna Bactol and find out what makes her an integral part of the Arc of Life Team. Read More

How Connecting With Others Will Make You Live Longer

Many of us are not fully 'present' during interactions with others, and this disconnect may predict a shorter life. Read More

Viewing 33 - 48 out of 58 posts


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